uc davis distribution services employee

Coping and Supporting Each Other During COVID-19 Emergency

Thank you for caring for UC Davis students, patients and your colleagues during these challenging times.

We’re all serving UC Davis, hopefully from remote workstations whenever possible, but to those of you called to perform critical services in person – we honor your commitment to your profession!

Take Care of Yourselves

COVID-19 has added many stresses and responsibilities to our work and family life. You may find yourself experiencing a range of emotional reactions right now.

Our Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) has posted resources to help you cope with the stress and anxiety brought on by COVID-19. This includes one-on-one support via Zoom or by phone. Learn more on the ASAP webpages or call (530) 752-2727

Support Your Teams

We ask supervisors and managers to recognize that employees are attending to their workloads, physical and mental health, family needs (for family members near and far), and other new considerations and adjustments that come from federal, state, and local regulations and restrictions.

Supervisors, please show your team members:

  • Patience
  • Compassion
  • Understanding
  • Flexibility

We trust that all Aggies are doing their very best given these exceptional circumstances and we look forward to the day our community can reunite again.

Renetta Garrison Tull, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Christine Lovely
Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Chief Human Resources Officer


