Annual Employee Performance Appraisals

Overview of the annual employee performance appraisal 

A majority of Performance Appraisals are completed in the UCPath ePerformance module. The annual employee performance appraisal is an important part of both performance management and employee career development. The supervisor and employee both play an important role in creating a productive performance appraisal process.

Appraisal Resources, Workflow and Due Dates

2025 ePerformance Webinars 

  • Appraisal Workflow
  • The following diagram illustrates the process through which annual employee performance appraisals are conducted.
    Download (PDF)

    Workflow displaying the steps in the annual ePerformance process. A PDF version is available for download.
  • Who uses UCPath ePerformance?
  • Non-represented Staff: All non-represented staff except SMG (Senior Management Group) are appraised using ePerformance.
    • Managers and Senior Professional employees (MSP) - annual performance appraisals are created in ePerformance if they started work on/before the first Monday in January following the winter holidays.
    • Professional Support Staff employees (PSS) - annual performance appraisals are created if their probationary period ends on or before April 30 (or the following Monday if April 30th falls on a weekend).
      •  For PSS employees with a probationary period that ends in March or April, a probationary document will be created in addition to the annual performance appraisal (both need to be completed).
    • Contract Staff w/ 50% or greater appointment - annual performance appraisals are created if they have worked for at least twelve months as of early March 1.
      •  Note: Contract staff physicians at UCD Health largely do not have appraisals done using this process, as well as contract coaches who work in UCD Athletics. 
    • Limited Appointment Staff w/ 50% or greater appointment and Per Diem - annual performance appraisals are created if they have worked for at least twelve months as of March 1.
    Represented Staff: Staff in the following collective bargaining units are appraised using ePerformance:
    • ​​​​​CX-CUE Teamsters 2010 Clerical
    • EX-AFSCME Patient Care Technical
    • F3-IAFF Firefighters
    • HX-UPTE-CWA Residual Health Care Professionals
    • K-3 Skilled Craft
    • NX-CNA Registered Nurses
    • RX-UPTE-CWA Research Support Professionals
    • SX-AFSCME Service
    • TX-UPTE CWA Technical Unit
  • Who uses paper appraisals?
  • Represented Staff in the following collective bargaining unit:


Annual Performance Review Due Dates

UnitReview PeriodEmail NotificationsDeadline
NX - NursingMay 1 - April 30First Monday in FebruaryLast Friday in April
99 Non RepresentedMay 1 - April 30Second Monday in MarchSecond Friday in June
K-3 Skilled CraftMay 1 - April 30Second Monday in MarchSecond Friday in June
CX - ClericalJuly 1 - June 30Second Monday in AprilLast Friday in July
F3 - FirefightersJuly 1 - June 30Second Monday in AprilLast Friday in July
DX - Doctors and Dentists (Student Health)July 1 - June 30Second Monday in AprilLast Friday in July
HX - Healthcare ProfessionalsJuly 1 - June 30Second Monday in MayLast Friday in August
RX - Research ProfessionalsJuly 1 - June 30Second Monday in MayLast Friday in August
TX - TechnicalJuly 1 - June 30Second Monday in MayLast Friday in August
EX - Patient Care TechnicalJanuary 1 - December 311st Monday in DecemberFirst Friday in March
SX - Service
January 1 - December 311st Monday in DecemberFirst Friday in March
PA - PoliceAnniversary-Based Cycle