Posters Required by Law

Department heads are responsible for posting the notices listed below in a place where employees can see them in the normal course of business.

In buildings that have more than one department, a single posting in an area used by employees (for example, a break room) is sufficient, unless there is a special Location note listed below.

Additional UC Davis Posters and Information
Poster Location
EMERGENCY EVACUATION SIGNS  All campus buildings over one story high must have building evacuation
signs posted on every floor. The signs must be posted at all stairway
and elevator landings and immediately inside all public entrances to the building. (California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Section 3.09) 
Post the words No Smoking 
Vice chancellors, deans, and department heads shall ensure that areas under their jurisdiction are posted as needed. See UCD Policy & Procedure Manual Section 290-10 for more information.