We take a holistic approach and review all information in the application. The cover letter and resume are your chance to highlight your achievements and provide an overview of your professional accomplishments.
Application Process
How to complete the online application:
- Click on the following link UC Davis Health HR Website to create a profile in the UC Davis Health HR system. This can be done prior to the application dates.
- Select the New User option and complete the required fields.
- Search for the “New Grad Nurse Residency” job posting, select and click the Apply icon.
- Sign in and complete the online application, starting with Step 1.
- After interviewing, top candidates will complete a reference check.
- Contingent offers of employment are typically made five weeks prior to the program start date.
- In the Resume Upload section of Step 2, attach required documents as one single file (PDF preferred). Applications submitted without all required and optional documents in the requested format will be disqualified.
- Required documents: Cover letter, Resume, Unofficial Transcripts
- Optional documents: Letters of Recommendation, Certifications
* Submit required documents using one of the three options below. Documents submitted in any other manner will not be considered or reviewed.

Application Format
In addition to completing the online application, please include the documentation listed below. Please ensure all requested documents are attached as they will not be accepted outside of the application portal (i.e., in an email) nor after the job posting window has closed. Failure to submit documentation in the requested format will result in automatic disqualification.
Required Documentation
These three documents should be uploaded as one document, PDF preferred. Do not upload files separately or in the Attachments section as we do not have access to these files.
Cover Letter
a. Address to: Nurse Recruitment
Resume (See example table below)
a. Education – School Name, Location of School, Type of Program, Month/Year Completed
b. Senior Preceptorship – Hospital Name, Department/Unit, Total Number of HOURS and Time Frame (Month/Year Started – Month/Year Completed)
c. Clinical Rotations – Hospital Name, Department/Unit, Total Number of HOURS and Time Frame (Month/Year Started – Month/Year Completed)
d. Include any certifications, internships, externships, volunteer opportunities, leadership roles, community service, and other nursing-related activities that have contributed to your professional growth
- Unofficial Transcripts
- Letters of Recommendation
- Certifications
Example of how to list experience on resume:
Type of Experience | Approximate Dates | Total Hours | Name of Hospital and/or Institution | Name of Department or Department Description |
Senior Preceptorship | March 2023 - May 2023 | 180 hours | A Hospital | Trauma ICU |
Clinical Rotation | January 2023 - February 2023 | 110 hours | B Hospital | Med Surg |
Clinical Rotation | December 2022 | 90 hours | C Hospital | PICU |
Clinical Rotation | November 2022 | 90 hours | D Hospital | Labor & Delivery/Post-Partum |
Volunteer | June 2022 - August 2022 | 200 hours | XX Hospital | PEDS |