meandering path in UC Davis Arboretum. Trees and plants on both sides of path. The path is empty of people.

Layoffs as Last Resort

Indefinite layoffs are the tool of last resort to address COVID-19 related fiscal challenges.

2020 has presented many difficulties, among them are the fiscal challenges the University of California is experiencing across all campuses and locations because of COVID-19, state budget challenges and the suspension of some campus operations.

The University had the foresight to provide paid administrative leave and ensure job protection related to the pandemic through June 30 for most staff.    

With July 1 quickly approaching, many staff have concerns about continued job security and what’s next. I write to emphasize our campus philosophy and principles.

Our Philosophy

Use indefinite layoffs as the tool of last resort to address COVID-19 related fiscal challenges. 

Before Considering Layoffs

Before layoffs are considered, managers should evaluate other temporary options that could get us through this pandemic together. Discuss strategies with your unit’s HR business partner and/or Employee & Labor Relations if you wish to explore them further.

Should some indefinite layoffs become unavoidable in your unit, HR is available and will soon provide resources that will support you in handling that task with appropriate compassion and care for our employees’ experience.


We commit to share new information as it becomes available.

There are some systemwide options that are being discussed, including furlough programs.  Early retirement incentive programs would require systemwide approval as well and are highly unlikely in this financial climate due to the additional burden it would place on the UC Retirement System.  However, no decisions have been made and no information is available.

We will be transparent about any other finalized actions or options.

We're in this Together

And our combined efforts to be thoughtful about how we respond to this crisis will be important in ensuring that we remain an employer of choice in our region.

Thank you for your partnership.

Christine Lovely
Chief Human Resources Officer
Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
