Celebrating Healthcare HR Week 2023
Healthcare HR Week is here, and there’s never been a better time to show some extra gratitude.
Lots to Navigate
Working in HR can be challenging, and it’s even more challenging when you’re in a fast-paced, urban, university healthcare environment like UC Davis Health that’s leading the world in its innovative clinical and research programs.
We must navigate complex regulatory and compliance requirements, talent fluctuations, and ever-evolving technology— just to name a few of the items our HR teams tackle everyday— all in a fast-paced, increasingly specialized industry.
UC Davis Health is pursuing big things— tackling health disparities head-on and constantly seeking ways to improve the patient experience— so there is no autopilot and there are no true days off for our leaders."
— Danielle Kehler
How We’re Succeeding
Being at the helm of the fight against COVID-19, UC Davis Health was forced to make big changes quickly. Thanks to creative problem solving with departments and dedicated employees, teams across HR were able to help navigate COVD-19 leaves, explore staffing solutions, expanding flexible work and providing extra support for staff with mental health and family issues— and it seems clear the hard work is paying off.
As referenced in the CEO of UC Davis Health Dr. David Lubarsky’s Employee Appreciation Day video, “This has been known as the year of the great resignation. Many, many people have quit or left their jobs at other organizations…. at UC Davis our resignation rate is only half that of other organizations around the country.”
The success of UC Davis Health’s HR team is grounded in the relationships with the departments they serve, their campus counterparts in HR and their ongoing commitment to consistently improve the experience of work for our employees.
This year, UC Davis Health will celebrate with an extra dose of appreciation for HR employees who can expect to find personalized thank you notes from leadership in their inboxes this week, in addition to the following message from Tammy Kenber, Chief Human Resources Officer:

As we enter Healthcare HR Week 2023, I’d like to stop for just a moment and extend my sincere THANKS to each and every one of you for staying the course and making UC Davis Health a great place to work and receive care. Without your work recruiting, retaining, training, and supporting our employees, the mission could not be achieved. Thank you sincerely and enjoy the well-deserved accolades coming your way this week!”
A Window into Healthcare HR

Glenn Gasgow worked in law enforcement for 22 years before deciding to join UC Davis Health as a Workplace Violence Prevention Consultant.
“Working in my unit means helping people feel safe in an environment they’re in nearly every day,” Glenn said. His team not only reviews and responds to workplace violence incident reports but also follows up with people afterward to ensure their continued well-being and implement any additional safety measures necessary. When an employee was recently threatened by a patient, for example, Glenn’s team helped by orienting the employee on how to obtain a restraining order and even did home visits to instruct the family on best practices for security.
“I didn’t realize workplace violence was so prevalent in the healthcare industry, and I think that’s true for a lot of issues that HR addresses,” Glenn remarked. “Since joining UC Davis Health, I’ve realized how important the work being done is and I’m grateful to Workplace Violence Prevention teams in other hospitals keeping everyone safe so they can focus on the important work that they do for patients.”

As an HR professional at UC Davis Health for the past 11 years, Mario Eguizabal is a strong believer that “recruiters bring heart to an organization.” In 2012, he was tasked with running a new program to recruit nurses from across the country and recalls, “It was such an exciting time. I had the opportunity to partner with exceptional departmental hiring managers to recruit a diverse and inclusive workforce. My goal was to attract and retain top talent so our employees could thrive in an organization that fosters belonging and community."
Over a decade later, Mario is still reaping the rewards from his recruiting efforts. “When I walk down the halls at UC Davis Health,” he grins, “I’ll have nurses who I recruited come up to me and thank me for giving them an opportunity and changing their life. To have that kind of positive impact is overwhelming and I feel incredibly fortunate.”