Academic Personnel Administration: Leaves

This course covers the policies and resources regarding different types of academic leaves.

Course Description

What do you do when a professor comes to you and says that she wants to take sabbatical leave next year? What should you do when you learn a faculty member has broken his leg on a bike ride and cannot return to work for several months? Learn about academic leaves including FMLA, medical leave, sabbatical, vacation, paid and unpaid administrative leave, leave in lieu of sabbatical, childbearing and parental leaves, modified duty and extensions of the tenure clock. We will also review the Forms Online system, which makes leave processing much more streamlined. Participants will learn how to understand and apply related policies and procedures in a series of case study exercises.

Note: This course is intended for staff who currently work with academic personnel matters.


Brad Horton
Katrina Wong
Robin Tapia
Rachel Geier
Kim Reynolds

Date | Time | Location

April 5, 2023
1:00– 4:30
Hamilton Room, Heitman Staff Learning Center 

May 11, 2023
1:00– 4:30
Hamilton Room, Heitman Staff Learning Center