Supervisors & Managers


Continuous education for people managers, offered a la carte through registration in the UC Learning Center.

Interpersonal Skills

  • Essentials of Emotional Intelligence for Leaders
  • What sets very effective leaders apart is not years of experience, intelligence, schooling, knowledge or technical skills. The difference is the sets of personal and interpersonal competencies discussed in the model of Emotional Intelligence. In this class we will discuss this model and how important it is for managers and supervisors. You will use some self-assessment tools to evaluate your own needs and strengths and learn ways to continue to improve them. The class is based on the book, Working with Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman.

  • Conflict Conversations for Leaders
  • This course focuses on recognizing our relationship with conflict and the science, as we learn a consistent strategy and practice the skills of intervention for workplace conflict, whether with peers or those you lead.

    You will first dive into the science by exploring the anatomy of workplace conflict and your own personal conflict profile.
    Next, you will learn about evidence-based strategies to directly address conflict swiftly without costly and time-consuming outside interventions.
    Finally, we practice our skills to gain the confidence necessary to proactively manage workplace conflict.

    Additional resources can be found on the Workplace Violence Prevention website.


  • Conflict Competence or Managers and Supervisors
  • Conflict has the power to lower morale, reduce productivity, and cause a toxic team climate. However, if managed well, conflict can strengthen relationships, foster creativity, and contribute to a high functioning, successful team. This highly interactive course provides tools, techniques and skills to effectively prevent and resolve conflicts within your team. You will learn how to recognize conflict before it escalates, navigate interpersonal dynamics from a position of higher power, identify core employee needs, build trust on your team, and navigate emotionally charged conversations. At the end of this course, you will develop a personalized plan to address your specific conflict management needs. Please note that this course has significant overlap with “Conflict Competence for Staff” but includes an additional focus on managing conflict from a leadership position.

  • Is it Bulling? Awareness and Strategies
  • The objectives of this course are to increase awareness and understanding about bullying and other forms of abrasive behaviors in the workplace, become familiar with the policies and resources related to bullying and other forms of abrasive behavior, learn skills for responding to abrasive behaviors in the workplace, examine one’s own behavior (self-reflection) that impacts interaction with colleagues and workplace climate, and explore strategies for empowering ourselves and others in cultivating inclusive work environments. NOTE: Class is subject to a minimum enrollment of 15 to proceed.


Diversity and Inclusion

  • Diversity Awareness for New Supervisors and Leads
  • This course covers the skills necessary for working and leading in a multicultural community and explores ways to create a respectful and inclusive work environment. Supervisors and leads at UC Davis contribute to a campus culture that values diversity. Course discussions will focus on ways to integrate the UC Davis Principles of Community into your workplace. This session includes an exploration of how the pandemic has impacted this area of DEI.

    Topics include:

    - Developing personal and organizational cultural competence
    - Implementing practical strategies that promote inclusion and respect


  • Leading and Managing in a Multicultural Community
  • Building an environment that doesn't just tolerate, but values diversity requires the active participation of everyone in the organization. This course will provide a model for developing our knowledge and skills to work and lead in a multicultural community. Participants will gain practical information about developing personal and organizational cultural competence that can be applied at work, at home or in community organizations. This session includes an exploration of how the pandemic has impacted this area of DEI.

  • Living the Principles of Community (eCourse)
  • This on-line course is designed to promote inclusiveness and respect in the work and learning environment at UC Davis, introducing the concepts to new members of the campus community while reinforcing them to existing members. Participants, especially UC Davis staff members and academic appointees, will become familiar with ways to integrate the UC Davis Principles of Community into their own workplaces and classrooms. This highly interactive course includes up-to-date information on discrimination, sexual harassment, affirmative action and diversity along with the University’s policies governing these issues. Through realistically subtle and complex scenarios, learners discover that there is more than one “right” way of preventing, managing and resolving conflicts related to these topics. This course will inform and equip participants with essential knowledge and skills, ultimately resulting in fewer such conflicts, improved morale, decreased institutional liability, and a more respectful and inclusive campus environment. Approximately 60 minutes in length.

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Hiring and Selection

  • Avoiding Bias in the Hiring Process
  • We recommend taking the Making the Unconscious Conscious: Understanding and Mitigating Bias and the Intercultural Recruitment and Selection courses to supplement the learning objectives from this course. This session explores the power of impressions and its potential influence in the evaluation of job applicants. Using reflection exercises, participants will explore the relationship between impressions and bias and introduce learners to key research involving biases in hiring. Participants will leave the session having greater awareness and understanding of bias theory (coupled with case studies) and strategies in mitigating bias in the hiring process. NOTE: Class is subject to a minimum enrollment of 15 to proceed. If the course for your campus does not work for your schedule then you may enroll in the offering for the other campus.

  • Intercultural Recruitment and Selection
  • Managers are challenged to understand and develop skills to respond to the needs of a multicultural workforce. In the important task of hiring the best candidate for a job, managers must be aware of how culture affects the way people communicate throughout the selection process. This course will help managers assess their own cultural values and explore how they affect the recruitment, interviewing and selection processes.

  • Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process (eCourse)
  • In this course, we're going to take a look at methods for avoiding bias, especially implicit bias, that pertain specifically to the hiring process and can be employed by hiring managers, members of hiring committees, interviewers or anyone with a hiring-related role.

    By the end of this course you should be able to:
    Design processes to manage the influence of implicit bias in the hiring process

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  • UC Hiring for Success (eCourse)
  • The Hiring for Success training is part of the UC Systemwide People Management Series and is geared for hiring managers and supervisors that recruit for staff openings. Key outcomes from this training include:

    Learning how to begin the talent acquisition process and ensuring an effective interview strategy
    Understanding the importance of diversity in the talent acquisition process
    Ensuring a positive candidate interview experience
    Effectively completing the process

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  • Managing Remote and Hybrid-Remote Teams
  • Join this class to learn best practices for managing teams when employees work remote all or part of the time. We'll explore the challenges managers face with remote and hybrid-remote models and how to address those challenges; the benefits of remote and hybrid work arrangements; how to maintain visibility into employee productivity; ensuring connection and collaboration; and the UC Davis / UC Davis Health policies and resources you can turn to for guidance. Upon completion of this course participants will be better prepared to:

    - Address the challenges of supervising remote team members
    - Facilitate communication between remote and co-located team members
    - Establish and maintain expectations with remote and hybrid team members and direct reports
    - Monitor performance without micromanaging


  • Principles of Supervision
  • This course presents an overview of a supervisor’s role at UC Davis, covering what is expected of you and techniques that you can use to guide the work of others as well as manage your own productivity. Your ability to carry out your role effectively as a supervisor is critical to your department’s ability to achieve its goals. As a supervisor, your work is done primarily with and through others. Learn tools for creating an environment that encourages people to do their best work, develop teamwork and manage conflict that occurs in a workplace. 

    Topics include:

    - Roles and responsibilities
    - Communication & work styles
    - Team development
    - Conflict management
    - Delegation
    - Motivation
    - Resources for supervisors


  • Supervising in a Union Environment
  • This course provides an overview of union labor contracts at the University of California and related topics frequently faced by supervisors. Understanding collective bargaining and labor contracts at UC Davis is critical in your role as a supervisor.  Learn what classifications are covered by union contracts and the university's obligations in administering the contract provisions.

    Topics include:

    - Managing the work unit in a union environment
    - Working with union representatives


  • UC Strategic Onboarding (eCourse)
  • This course equips hiring managers with an understanding of the importance of strategic on-boarding, explaining the link between talent acquisition and talent integration of a new hire. Participants will recognize the pitfalls of turnover and loss of employee engagement and will learn to take a proactive view of performance management with new hires. Part of the UC People Management series.

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Time Reporting

  • Time Reporting System Superviser Training (UC Davis) (eCourse)
  • Online training for SUPERVISORS (Primary and Backup) using the Time Reporting System (TRS). Information on supervisor responsibilities, including how to approve, return, and edit an employee timesheet. Online help resources will also be discussed.

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  • Ecotime for Managers (UC Davis Health) (eCourse)
  • Ecotime is UC Davis Health System’s time and attendance system. This course is for managers and supervisors responsible for timesheet and time off approvals. ecotime is used to input work hours, PTO, other time off and leave balances, as well as provide other time and attendance functions. This information is used by the Health System to accurately track approved hours in order to transmit data to the payroll system for processing.

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Team Effectiveness

  • Change Management for Managers and Supervisors
  • Managers are critical to change success, however, they sometimes underestimate their role or are unsure how to fulfill it.  Change Management for Managers and Supervisors provides people managers with the tools and skills necessary to understand and process change themselves while proactively leading their teams through change. In this program, participants will:
     - Gain an appreciation for the impact of change management on organizational results
    - Understand foundational aspects of change management and the critical role managers play in the change process
    - Learn a practical framework for planning for the many organizational changes that impact them and their teams.
    - Understand how to plan for and manage resistance to change.



  • Corrective Actions (eCourse)
  • This course is a supplement to the Managing People and Performance course and covers corrective action as one tool for performance management. Managing People and Performance is part of People Management Essentials.

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  • Employment Law and University Policy
  • This course, designed for UC Davis and UC Davis Health supervisors and managers, provides a comprehensive overview of the legal and policy landscape governing employment within the University of California system. Participants will learn to proactively identify and address potential liabilities through effective issue spotting, understanding the critical role they play in preventing legal complications. The program covers key topics including disability accommodations, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and leaves of absence, equipping participants with the knowledge and resources needed to confidently navigate complex employment situations within the UC system.

  • Disability Management for Managers and Supervisors
  • This course addresses what supervisors need to know regarding the requirements to accommodate employees with disabilities under federal and state law as well as university policy. Do you know what is meant by "the interactive process"? Did you know that...

    - The interactive process is mandatory on the part of employers?
    - Both the employer and employee have a duty to assist in a reasonable accommodation search?
    - An employer has an ongoing obligation to continue the interactive process if the first efforts are not successful?

    In this informative course you will discuss questions such as these and learn about helpful resources concerning disability management.


  • Leave of Absence Administration For Supervisors and Managers (UC Davis Health)
  • This class is designed for UC Davis Health Supervisors and Managers and provides the latest information on various types of leave including: 

    - Family and Medical Leave (FML) regulated by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    - Family and Medical Leave (FML) regulated by the California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
    - Pregnancy Disability Leave regulated by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
    - Kincare Leave • Leave regulated by the Family-School Partnership Act
    - Catastrophic Leave 

    Additional topics will include:
    - Leave basics
    - Supervisor/Manager Responsibilities
    - Medical Certifications
    - The Interactive Process 


  • Managing Family and Medical Leaves
  • This class is designed for Supervisors and Managers to understand their responsibilities and provides the latest information on tips and tools needed to better manage intermittent and block (continuous) leaves. The class will provide an understanding of the difference between Federal and State entitlements -  Family and Medical Leave (FML), California Family Rights Act (CFRA), Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDLL).  

    Primary course topics include:
    - Family and Medical Leave (FML)
    - California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
    - Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL)
    - Kincare Leave
    - Catastrophic Leave

    Other class topics include: PFCB (Pay for Family Care and Bonding plan); Leave basics; when is an employee eligible for FMLA and/or CFRA; the “Interactive Process”; TRTW (Transitional Return to Work program); Kincare Leave; Catastrophic Leave; Pregnancy Leave; interpreting medical certifications and knowing what is required; managing intermittent leave; record-keeping; handling questionable leave usage; reasons for second opinions, required documentation and resources available, and much more.

  • Safety Leadership for Supervisors (eCourse)
  • Introduction to safety leadership, accountability, hazard assessments, training, inspections, injuries, hazardous materials and equipment, and resources for supervisors. Topics include: Who is a supervisor?, Safety Culture, Roles and responsibilities, Legal Liability requirements, Performance management, Hazard identification, Risk assessment, Control measures, Effectiveness checks, Training types and records, Safety Communications, Inspection checklists and corrective actions, agency inspections, Injury prevention, Injury response, Injury Investigations (including root cause analysis), Guidelines / Authorizations / Permits, written documents and other helpful tools. This course covers relevant UC Policy on Management of HSE, Cal/OSHA regulations (Reference: 8 CCR 340, 3203, 3341, 3380), and both federal and state laws.

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Performance Management

  • UC Performance Management: Performance Management Overview (eCourse)
  • Performance Management Overview is the first course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • UC Performance Management: Setting Expectations and Individual Performance Goals (eCourse)
  • Setting Expectations and Individual Performance Goals is the second course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • UC Performance Management: Giving and Receiving Feedback (eCourse)
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback is the third course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • UC Performance Management: Engaging and Developing Employee (eCourse)
  • Engaging and Developing Employees is the fourth course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • UC Performance Management: Conducting Performance Appraisals (eCourse)
  • Conducting Performance Appraisals is the fifth course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • UC Performance Management: Motivating, Recognizing, and Rewarding Employees (eCourse)
  • Motivating, Recognizing and Rewarding Employees is the sixth course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job.

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • UC Performance Management: Coaching for Performance and Development (eCourse)
  • Coaching for Performance and Development is the seventh course in the eight-part UC Performance Management Series. The series provides the fundamentals of performance management, including important information, tools and resources needed to support UC people managers in their roles. Learners are encouraged to download the Participant Playbook found within the course and use it, and the other resources in the course, to help capture key concepts, complete exercises, and use as a reference back on the job. 

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • UC Performance Management: Managing Corrective Action (eCourse)
  • In this course, you will learn to:
    - Identify local subject matter experts to guide and direct you in the process of managing corrective action
    - Identify critical information needed before taking corrective action
    - Identify where managing corrective action fits into the UC People Management Competencies and Performance Management Cycle
    - Define corrective action
    - Identify the two types of circumstances that give rise to corrective action
    - Describe the model for progressive corrective action
    - Identify guiding principles of supervisor behavior with regard to corrective action
    - Utilize the Seven Tests of Just Cause as a framework of corrective action
    - Identify different types of disciplinary action and ways to determine which ones are appropriate
    - Conduct an effective investigation to determine if disciplinary action is warranted

    Note that this course is part of the UC People Management Certificate.

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  • Mental Health First Aid® for Leaders
  • Mental Health First Aid® focuses on recognizing the patterns of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and appearance that show there might be a challenge in the workplace.​​

    You will learn:

    - How to recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge.
    - How to listen non-judgmentally and give reassurance to a person who may be experiencing a mental health challenge.
    - How to refer someone to appropriate professional support and services.
    - How to apply an action plan to non-crisis and crisis scenarios in the workplace.
    - Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis.

    Additional resources can be found on the Workplace Violence Prevention website.




Additional Resources