Comment on UC Systemwide HR Policy Proposals
The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) often seeks employee feedback on systemwide HR policies and programs when:
- Current policies and programs undergo proposed changes
- Proposing new systemwide policies or programs
See below for policies and programs currently open for employee review and comment. Please contact Jenna Makus with any questions or feedback.
Policy/Program Name | Review Links | New/Revision | Comments Due |
Proposed Presidential Policy on Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic Potential The proposed UC Presidential Policy will implement the changes made by the new USG Policy, and it includes the following:
Please see the link to documents to the right. Submit your comments no later than Monday, March 17, 2025, to If you have any questions, please contact Timothy Miller at | Link to documents for review | New | March 17, 2025 |
The review period has ended for the following: | |||
PPSM-84, Accommodations for Nursing Mothers The University of California is proposing revisions to PPSM-84 (Accommodations for Nursing Mothers), which applies to staff employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) personnel groups. This draft of PPSM-84 has been updated with technical and clarifying edits for compliance with legal requirements. | Tracked changes posted to UCnet | Revision | September 20, 2024 |
Presidential Policy - University of California - Policy on Vaccination Programs On August 16, 2023, the Policy on Vaccination Programs – With Interim Revisions was issued. The interim revisions move the University’s COVID-19 vaccination program to a systemwide opt-out program for all covered individuals. The University’s seasonal influenza vaccination program remains an opt-out program. The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) invites employee comments on changes from the interim revisions to finalize this Presidential Policy. As background, there have been significant changes in federal and State public health guidance regarding COVID-19 since the last Systemwide Review period for this policy. The federal Public Health Emergency ended on May 11, 2023, along with the COVID-19 vaccination requirements for federal employees and federal contractors. California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency ended on February 28, 2023, and the California Department of Public Health rescinded its health care worker vaccination requirement effective April 3, 2023. The draft policy is virtually identical to the policy with interim revision that was issued on August 16, 2023. Key revisions include:
Email feedback to Jenna Makus by December 1, 2023. | Tracked changes posted to UCnet | Revision | December 1, 2023 |
PPSM-36, Classification of Positions The University of California is proposing revisions to PPSM-36 (Classification of Positions), which applies to staff employees in the Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) personnel groups. This draft of PPSM-36 has been updated to add definitions for clarity and understanding, add substantial content to align policy with systemwide and location practices, and clarify systemwide and location responsibilities. | Tracked changes posted to UCnet | Revision | October 13, 2023 |
Employee-initiated Reduction in Time (ERIT) Program ERIT is an optional tool that locations and organizational units may choose to implement as a flexible work resource. At locations that choose to offer ERIT, eligible career staff (except Senior Management Group members) can request the department head’s approval to voluntarily reduce their current appointment percentage and corresponding pay, within specific limits, for certain specified advantages, such as accrual of vacation and sick leave at the employees’ pre-ERIT rates. Proposed revisions to this program are as follows:
| Revision | May 25, 2023 |